Tuesday, 20 October 2009

A first dreaming experience

I mentioned in my last post that I am interested in lucid dreaming. In the last couple of days harnessing my dream power has been my focus. Yesterday afternoon I saw a video about lucid dreams and did some reading. The essence to lucid dream from a waking state (also known as WILD, wake induced lucid dreaming) is this: relaxation, rhythmic breathing, a focus on the third eye. I haven't got round to this yet, but I did have an experience in my regular dreams last night.
As I was just slipping into a dream, for some reason I said tomyself in the dream "look at your hands", and I did. I had heard that looking at your hands in a dream is a way to turn on lucidity, and practiced it in waking state already. In my dream, I saw my hands fairly clearly for a couple of seconds and then got pulled out of it and woke up. Apart from the hands, the rest of the dream faded pretty instantly, but I was left with a feeling that I was still dreaming. Seriously got a bit scared while I went to the toilet and had to convince myself that this was definitely real.
All in all, an interesting first step. I wonder what lies further beyond...

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