Saturday, 8 August 2009

Clearing throats and noses

Today I cursed the fact that I've obviously contracted tonsilitis. Grrr! OK, after being coughed on by my flatmate for a week, that was to be expected. I suppose going out for that one drink too many also helped invite sickness in by effectively subduing my immune system. Anyways, now that the damage is done the only productive thing to do is to start dealing with it. So here follows my personal list of effective cures for a sore throat.

1. Lots of hot drinks, especially ginger-honey-lemon and sage tea.
2. A scarf, especially worn in bed (several people have disagreed with this idea, but my personal experience is that it accelerates healing).
3. Inhalations.
4. Gargling with warm saltwater.
5. Chopped up onion with sugar left in the fridge. The juice that forms is a good medicine.
6. Hot baths.
7. Making "mmmmmmhh" or "om" sounds. The vibrations seem to massage the inside of my throat.
If you have a blocked nose (I don't right now), try rinsing with warm saltwater. Can be a bit unpleasant at first, but helps get the sh%t out. More info about this on the net.

That's all I can think of right now. You have any further suggestions? Would love to hear them.

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