Thursday, 6 August 2009

People watching

Just back from town and in a thoughtful mood. Recently asked myself how many faces I rembered after a trip to the city centre and it came to hardly any. It's an interesting exercise. Now I fare much better, although remembering all of the hundreds of people that you see will exceed most people's capacity.

Most vivid today was the little girl on the bus, clutching her teddy. Sweet! Contrast this with a woman who was moving slowly along, her head down in front of her, oozing an athmosphere of depression. I had a feeling she'd been beaten up. Felt sorry for her, but didn't really know what to do. Hmmm. Or the two young teenagers who were obviously a couple. Intriguing to watch them play games across a coffee table. People watching can be so interesting at times.

A further observation when I grabbed a coffee at McDonalds: The proportion of fat kids was sure higher than outside. Why doesn't that surprise me? I find it weird. If I were that size I would certainly not be ordered Big Macs and fries (or worse still, feeding it to my oversize kids). McD remains a convenient place for a quick coffee, though.

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